It was wonderful to read through the city-guide... I highly recommend it if you're in Charlotte or will have the opportunity to travel this way anytime soon. They highlight the neighborhoods- NoDa, Plaza Midwood (hey hey, erin!), Dilworth, Southend and Pineville- although they don't say too much about Pineville, which i'm kind of curious to learn about since they seem to think it's got a lot to offer... and all I've found there is the mall. Typical.
Some of the places they listed that I've been to were The Penguin restaurant (mmm... fried pickles!), Dish (shrimp + grits!), Pike's Soda Shop (try the celery dressing!), & Mr. K's Soft Ice Cream (I currently work right next door!). To prove that I have actually been to places BESIDES restaurants (although don't forget what my priorities clearly are..), I loved hearing what they had to say about Century Vintage and Fifteen Ten Antiques in the Plaza Midwood neighborhood- been to both, and bought (too many) little accents at each one!
It was wonderful to hear another person's perspective on the city, and to rack-up a few ideas for places to go and things to see here!
i always get this sinking feeling when people talk about charlotte... pretty sure its jealousy that I am not there in my hometown.
its real bittersweet, loving dallas and getting to know this city but still having all the know from home ( i know you know what I am talking about.)
that is a pretty good design guide, i think there are a couple things missing.
i definitely know what you mean- i now get that feeling about cleveland, cincinnati, columbus (at times), AND charlotte. the list keeps growing as you get older :)
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