Just our luck, erin, that the year after we leave the department hosts a new exhibit- Close to Home- Edward Loewenstein + Modernism in Greensboro, focusing on Loewenstein & his influence on Greensboro. This would have been right up our alley, and I know this means nothing compared to you (in Dallas), but if I weren't 2 hours away I'd make the trip for some part of this.
As if this doesn't sting enough, I saw this morning on suzanne's site that Knoll and Herman Miller have been so kind as to lend furniture for the exhibit, as well! It's like hearing that just after you left a party a celebrity came to hang out there with all of your friends... When I saw suzanne's sketch of the Eames Lounge, I wish(ed) so badly I had one to draw in front of me, as well.
While we were in NYC for ICFF last year, we were lucky enough to see an exhibit on the Eames Lounge - erin, what museum were we at?? - and how it was constructed. It was like a live-version of an exploded axon of the chair, all the pieces exploded from the core of it, strung in place with wires- it was a really awesome exhibit, and even though photography wasn't allowed, I wish I'd done a better job at sketching it out.
Oh well, some day I'll have an Eames Lounge Chair of my own, even if I have to trade it for a wedding or house or something :)
it was the museum of arts and design... the one right beside the MOMA store and accross the street from MOMA.
Don't hate me because I have access to beautiful furniture :) Kelley- You should make the trip over...the Close to Home exhibit is fabulous!
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