With a new year, I've re-organized my blog bookmarks... out with the ones I don't ever read, and in with the new favorites! Although the list is probably 100+ long, here are the ones I check (at least) once a day:
Daily Dose : dominoI subscribe to the magazine, and the blog seems to be the perfect digital companion to that - very much in tune with my budget, style, etc... very laid-back. (Kind of love Nick Olsen and his personality on here..)

Design*Sponge (duhhh...) Classic - probably one of the more thorough design blogs I check... there's a little bit of everything and a lot of style on here. Plus it gets updated more than any blog I've ever come-across.

Dwell BlogThis is kind of like a more serious / masculine version of design*sponge for me... instead of covering paper-crafts and floral prints it covers architecture and engines.

Making it LovelyI just recently found this one, but spent one night reading through every post ever posted on this blog - at least a couple years... I've decided if there's one house I want to mimic, this is it. I love - LOVE - her style.

Sad Guys on Trading FloorsNothing to do with design, but hilarious. Plus, with the economy in such great shape, what's left to do but laugh a little bit?

6) Style Me Pretty's
Little Black Book BlogI know, I know - I'm pretty far away from a wedding... but there are so many great photographs, ideas, crafts, and trends involved in that industry - how can I resist a blog that covers all of that??

How About OrangeAnother one of those.. a little about everything - with a strong orange influence :) Love her style, etc. Worth checking on a regular basis!